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Baby Safety Tips - The Basics

The Basics

  • Ideally, the best time to babyproof is early in your pregnancy before you register so you can include needed safety items on your registry list.

  • The best way to babyproof? Get down on your hands and knees and think like a baby! This is a great activity for both mom and dad since males and females tend to look and inspect different aspects of the home and safety measures in general.

  • Take care of all the obvious hazards such as exposed electrical sockets and blind cords, but be on the lookout for those not-so-obvious items like empty dishwashers, hanging tablecloths that can be easily pulled down, and poisonous plants.

  • Babies at any age are curious and want to touch, feel, lick, smell, and listen to everything and anything they can get their little hands on. Your job is to make him or her part of your home as much as possible. After all, this new addition is not a temporary guest and should be able to safely explore every room in your home.

  • Consider child-proofing an ongoing process. Monitor your child’s growth and development and always try to stay one step ahead. For example, don’t wait until your baby starts crawling to put up stairway gates. Install them in advance so the entire family gets used to them and baby doesn’t associate his new found milestone with barriers.

  • If you are preparing for baby #2 or #3, don’t underestimate your “seasoned” approach to babyproofing from the first time around. In fact, having an older sibling creates additional hazards you should be aware of like small parts from toys and your toddlers ability to open doors, potty lids, and cabinets now.

  • Safest Option – Keep in mind that new products meeting current safety standards are the safest option.

  • Second-Hand Products – It is recommended secondhand products should not be used for baby. However, if it is necessary to use older products, make sure all parts are available, the product is fully functional, not broken, and has not been recalled.

  • Register your products- Through product registration, parents can establish a direct line of communication with the manufacturer should a problem arise with a product purchased. This information is NOT used for marketing purposes.

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