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4th of July Safety Tips

Independence day is a summertime favorite for parades, family BBQs, kiddie pools and fireworks. It’s a classic way to socialize and spend the day. Children can often go unsupervised when it comes to all the excitement so we’re offering up nine tips and reminders to keep the little ones safe and having a great time from the early morning parade to the late evening fireworks display.

1. Keep Extra Water on Hand: Dehydration can set in fast with the summer sun and high temperatures that July typically brings. A few bottles of water can save kids from exhaustion and tantrums.

2. Designate a Meeting Spot: With the large crowds and commotion that events can bring, a safe meeting place is a great idea. Communicate with your children where to go and what to do if they become separated from you.

3. Obey Barricades: Whether you’re at a large event or a local hometown parade, pay attention to kids to keep them behind barricades and out of the street.

4. BBQs and Grills: Children are inherently curious about food and cooking. Give them a grill tutorial before the heat is on to avoid injuries. Think about having the kids draw a safety zone around the bbq with chalk so they know exactly what to avoid.

5. Wear Proper Shoes: While it may be tempting to let those little piggies wiggle in the freshly mowed grass, proper shoes are a must. Coals and sparks may secretly jump out of the bbq waiting to be stepped on. Or even worse, hot sparkler sticks may get tossed into the lawn.

6. Kiddie Pool Play: It’s no doubt that kiddie pools provide hours of cooling summer fun, and these portable, fun and convenient bowls of plastic are probably filled to the brim for your 4th of July get together. Even though these pools are relatively small and shallow, they cause several drowning deaths every year. Have a designated adult ‘pool watcher’ at all times. Take shifts to keep all the little ones safe.

7. Fireworks at Home: If you choose to set off fireworks at home, err on the side of caution and keep the kids well away from the blasting area and educate them about possible dangers. This really goes without saying, but you can never be too cautious!

8. Fireworks at Dusk: Boom! Simply put, fireworks are loud! This can be startling to babies and small children. Keep the peace with noise canceling headphones. They are a wise investment for watching fireworks or attending any loud event.

9. Summer Basics: With all the planning for the day’s events don’t forget the summer basics like sunglasses, hats and sunscreen!

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