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World Breast Feeding Week - Solid Foods

Your baby may begin to show interest in food between 5-6 months, but there is no need to rush it if they are still just interested in nursing. Some babies don’t really get excited by solid foods until nine or ten months. You can begin experimenting with your baby“tasting” solid foods, but you don’t need to be giving them sizeable portions. Additionally, it isn’t necessary to supplement your baby’s diet with water, juice or cow’s milk if you are still breastfeeding. Breastmilk should still be your baby’s primary food source. Solid foods should make up less than 25% of your baby’s diet by the time they reach twelve months old.

Two Tips for Complementing Breastmilk with Solid Foods

  • Offer a taste of solid foods like banana, pureed fruits or vegetables, and let them guide the process. If they don’t seem interested in the food, then don’t force them to eat it. Don’t be concerned if your baby isn’t interested as they will develop the taste for solid food when they are ready.

  • Give solid foods after you have nursed the baby so they aren’t tempted to eat too much. Babies don’t need to be eating a lot of solid food and if they eat too much, it can lead to early weaning even if you aren’t wanting to wean. Breastmilk continues to provide benefits long after solids are introduced and can be give in tandem with solid foods for years.


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